2018年9月23日 星期日

【轉貼】(詩)Death Row Inmate

Death Row Inmate

I learned to run
And duck low, to hide
When the odds were
Against me.

I learned to sneak up
Behind my persecutors
And stab them in the back.
Get them before they get me.

I learned that all is fair
To him that has no conscience,
And that honesty and fair play
Do not go hand in hand.

Justice is not for all.

I learned to face the Executioner
With a happy heart.

It is a far, far better place
That i go to,
Than the place that i leave.

I learned fear.
I learned how it hurts
To love someone
Who does not love me.
But I never learned
The reason why.

Klrk Anderson
Weestwego, LA

(一樣的 謹遵廣欽老和尚所教 無過便是功 我不會因此認定我們在美國有辦法學佛 恩 不要說那我貼這幹嘛 有些人需要 那些人可能不是你)
Death Row Inmate
划運到死亡的 (房屋等的)同居住者

I learned to run
And duck low, to hide
  低下頭 低地    隱藏
When the odds were
Against me.

I learned to sneak up
Behind my persecutors
在…後面   迫害者
And stab them in the back.

Get them before they get me.
擊中               (在可能迫害我的人動手前 先刺死他)
I learned that all is fair
To him that has no conscience,
And that honesty and fair play
     誠實;正直;真誠 公平競爭
Do not go hand in hand.
Justice is not for all.
I learned to face the Executioner
With a happy heart.

It is a far, far better place
That i go to,
Than the place that i leave.

I learned fear.
I learned how it hurts
To love someone
Who does not love me.
But I never learned
The reason why.

